Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fight like hell.....

You don't have to go too far to see that the world around us is changing fast and for most, the change has been a negative one. Perhaps you have lost your job or are facing the possibility of being laid off. Your hours have been cut at work and your income does not satisfy your daily necessities. You are now finding yourself depressed, demotivated, weak and on the verge of giving up and surrendering - succumbing to the situation. In Jiu-Jitsu, we are often faced with challenges and obstacles on the mat. We face adversaries who are strong, big, crafty, flexible, tough, technical etc... We often get put in situations where we are forced to tap or make a move to escape. Sometimes the move we make is not sufficient enough to break the submission hold and we are forced to fight like hell - like a wild animal - to make the escape. Life is not different than the mat. In fact, it is quite parallel and one reflects the other clearly. If you are patient, you will realize what you must do to change your situation and improve your position....but you MUST move. You cannot wait for your opponent to go away simply because you want him to let go. He wants to choke you...He HAS to choke you. I must improve MY position and by improving my position, I can now begin to launch my own attack. There is no sweeter breath than the one you breathe immediately after escaping a chokehold. In the same regard, there is no better feeling than the one you get when you have kicked the world's ass and escaped the struggle of finances, failed relationships, unhappy thoughts etc..... If you have to fight like hell to get ahead, then do it....No excuses, no hesitations! This is where we find out who we truly are.
Train Jiu-Jitsu, have a happy heart, think good thoughts, love everyone!

1 comment:

bryce? said...

Carlos... you have touched me, tapped me and loved me. Your words speak eons into my heart. Great blog man!!