Sunday, August 16, 2009


Making decisions is difficult. Too often, we refrain from making choices for fear that we will make the wrong one. When our default state becomes one of indecisiveness, we become stagnant and complacent, moving in no direction, thus becoming directionless. Everyday I meet people who are at crossroads in their lives, people who are faced with monumental moments that require them to make a decision - often very hard decisions. There is great reward in living life in such a way that we create things, influence people, and constantly progress who we are. The process in achieving a life that is complete and filled with joy requires us to make decisions and act positively in the direction that we choose. When we are faced with monumental or decisive moments, we must not waste the opportunity to test our judgment. If our default state is to sit and wait, then decisions will be made for us and this usually leads to a dependence on others that ultimately does not free us, but shackles us at the mercy of the 'powers that be'. It is essential that we take control of our own lives, believe in our own abilities, have faith that we are not alone, and move into action to reap the reward for making those tough decisions. Do not wait until you are backed into a corner and your choices for survival are limited to short sighted, rash options. In tough times, you will act out of fear and, in doing so, will regress into 'safe mode'. Let me assure you that 'safe mode' is anything but safe. When you make decisions based on fear, you are not taking a forward path. You quickly become the guy who drives too slow on a two lane road who people despise and eventually pass. You make U-turns often and spend more time backtracking than moving forward. You actually slow the progress of those around you and become something that just needs to get out of the way. If we always make 'safe' decisions, then we will certainly never be the owners of our destiny and will never endure the necessary life process of glory and defeat. When I talk with people, I find that they often already know the right thing to do but are apprehensive in making the right choice. Did I mention that the right way is very rarely, if ever at all, the easy way? Of course it's not. God does not bless us by giving us an easy path. He blesses us with the knowledge and assurance that He is with us and will guide us through the path that has not yet been beaten down by the masses. He honors our courage to decide and act and even blesses the decisions that are, perhaps, not the perfect ones. A mediocre plan executed now is much better than a perfect plan executed late. Make the hard decisions, act confidently in the choices you make and see what you are really made of.